Component argumnets

Component Arguments with Examples

In Stratox, components can utilize various arguments to manage and manipulate data, handle events, and communicate across different parts of the application. Below is a detailed explanation of each argument type, along with quick examples to demonstrate their usage.

1. Props

Props are objects and data passed to views or components. They are isolated within the view instance, allowing for dynamic updates to specific parts of the page.


export default function TextComponent({ props }) {
    props.title = "Initial Title";

    return `

2. State

States are global but scoped to the active route and controller method. Updating a state refreshes the entire page and all nested components.


export default function StateExample({ state }) {
    state.setDefault({ counter: 0 });

    setTimeout(() => {
        state.update("counter", state.get("counter") + 1);
    }, 1000);

    return `
        <p>Counter: ${state.get("counter")}</p>

3. Dispatch

The dispatcher facilitates making requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and passing data between routers and controller methods.


export default function DispatchExample({ dispatch }) {
    dispatch.navigateTo("#about", { message: "Navigated successfully" });

    return `<p>Check console for navigation dispatch.</p>`;

4. Update

A shortcut for updating and refreshing a view dynamically.


export default function UpdateExample({ props, update }) {
    context.setDefault({ counter: 1 });
    props.title = "Dynamic Update";

    setTimeout(() => {
        update({ title: "Updated Title", counter: ++props.counter });
    }, 2000);

    return `
        <h1>${props.title} ${props.counter}</h1>


Access server-side data such as HTTP methods or status codes.


export default function HTTPExample({ http }) {
    return `
        <p>HTTP Method: ${http.method}</p>
        <p>Status Code: ${http.status}</p>

6. Request

Provides access to dispatched requests via request.get and


export default function RequestExample({ request }) {
    const title = request.get.get("title") || "Default Title";

    return `

Note: To safeguard against XSS vulnerabilities, encapsulate potentially injectable data within double curly braces.

7. View

Represents the main view instance, which can handle events and update content.


export default function ViewExample({ view }) {
    const clickHandler = view.bind(() => {
        alert("View clicked!");
    }, false);

    return `
        <button onclick="${clickHandler}">Click Me</button>

By adding false in second argumnet in bind you will not update and refresh the view.

8. Context

Access the Stratox context library to manage settings or default values.


export default function ContextExample({ context }) {
    context.setDefault({ title: "Hello World" });

    return `
        <p>Default title: ${props.title}</p>

9. Services

Used to access framework functions or communicate externally.


export default function ServicesExample({ services }) {
    const dispatch = services.get("dispatch");

    return `<p>Check console for service dispatch.</p>`;

By understanding and utilizing these arguments effectively, you can build robust and dynamic applications with Stratox. Each argument serves a specific purpose, enabling a modular and maintainable approach to component development.

Last updated