Updating views

You can update views inside of a component and outside.

Update view 1

Below, I will show you some ways you can update view content outside of the view.

let stratox = new Stratox("#app");

const itemA = stratox.view("ingress#itemA", {
    headline: "Lorem ipsum dolor 1",
    content: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",

const itemB = stratox.view("ingress#itemB", {
    headline: "Lorem ipsum dolor 2",
    content: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",


const myBtn = document.getElementById("update-headline-btn");
myBtn.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
    itemA.set({ headline: "Headline 1 been updated!" }).update();
    itemB.set({ headline: "Headline 2 been updated!" }).update();


Update example 1

The above example is utilizing the components item variable to tell Stratox which component you want to update, e.g.:

itemA.set({ headline: "Headline 1 been updated!" }).update();

There are tho 2 other ways you can also update the component with.

Update example 2

Utilize the view component setter again, but with updated values, and trigger the stratox.update() function to push changes to the view.

stratox.view("ingress", { headline: "Headline been twice!" });

Update example 3

Utilize the stratox.update() function and set argument 1 to the expected component name and argument 2 to an anonymous function. The anonymous function, in turn, has one expected object argument where you can access the component's data and modify it.

stratox.update("ingress", function(obj) {
    obj.data.headline = "Headline updated thrice!";

Update view 2

Below, I will show you some ways you can update view content inside of the view.

export function custom(data, container, helper, builder)
    const inst = this;

    let out = `
        <section class="mb-30">
            <h2 class="title">${data.headline}</h2>
        <a id="my-view-btn" class="button" href="#">Update headline</a>

    this.eventOnload(() => {
        // Add Click event
        const btn = document.getElementById("my-view-btn");
        btn.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
            data.headline = "Headline updated";

    return out;

When inside a component you only need to access the this.update function to update the component view.



And that is that. Let's move on on how you can build to some forms

Last updated